Insider tip on Peschici

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  • Verified Blogger

    Jérémy Colombo

    In Peschici, the gastronomy is typically Mediterranean. The typical dish is called "Panmbuss pu cefl," a mullet soup over stale bread. But there are also pasta, fresh fish, and a bunch of regional products from both the sea and the land. Among the favorite dishes of visitors are homemade stuffed eggplant and its "orecchiette," not to mention spaghetti with cuttlefish ink and grilled mullet. A little sweetness not to be missed is the almond paste cakes typical of the region.

  • Verified Blogger

    Jérémy Colombo

    A visit to Peschici should start in the picturesque old town, characterized by lime-washed houses that descend towards the sea and its narrow streets that recall Arab cities.

  • Verified Blogger

    Jérémy Colombo

    Because on a cliff 100 meters overlooking the sea, one cannot speak of Peschici and its coast without mentioning the trabucchi. These are wooden structures suspended above the sea with nets that were once exclusively dedicated to fishing.