Cathedral of Castellaneta

The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta is one of the most significant testimonies of the history of art and spirituality of the city. The original church, which was likely built at the end of the year 1000, was replaced in the 14th century by a new grand construction in the typical Romanesque style of Apulia.

  • Monument
  • Church
The illuminated façade of the Cathedral of Castellaneta, animated by evening visitors, reflects the local history.
Majestic interior of the Cathedral of Castellaneta, showcasing beautiful columns and an ornate ceiling.
Interior of the Cathedral of Castellaneta, featuring elegant columns and a contrasting marble floor.

It is she who surprises the most in the old village: among its many churches, the cathedral of the diocese of Castellaneta stands out in its blend of Baroque and Neoclassical styles.

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