Lively alley in Chinatown, New York, adorned with colorful lanterns and shop signs, illustrating Asian culture.


A vibrant and colorful neighborhood known for its lively markets, authentic cuisine, and traditional Chinese shops.



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Monde en Virée

This neighborhood is one of the largest Chinatowns outside of Asia, founded in the mid-19th century by Chinese immigrants who came mainly to work on the American railroads.

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Car and Bag

Chinatown, a world apart, even if the neighborhood is less impressive than in San Francisco.

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Monde en Virée

Chinatown, with its signs in Mandarin and its authentic atmosphere, is a dive into another world.

Verified Blogger

Car and Bag

You must stroll through the streets to immerse yourself in this particular atmosphere.

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Places to discover

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Crispy dumplings from Fried Dumpling, with a fork, in front of the lively display of the restaurant in Chinatown.

Friture de boulettes

  • Food & Drinks
  • Restaurant
  • categories.asian

A small restaurant known for its delicious dumplings at affordable prices.

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