Le Mans

La ville du Mans accueille chaque année lors du deuxième week-end de juin la plus importante course automobile au monde, les 24 Heures du Mans. La vieille ville est également marquée par sa cathédrale de style gothique ainsi que l'abbaye royale de l'Epau, datant du XIIIe siècle.



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Mélanie - Travel on the Wheels

In three days on site, we were able to get a first glimpse of what this territory had to offer. And honestly, it was a very beautiful discovery. It really made us want to explore other places in the Pays du Mans.

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Arch of Nature - House of the Prairie

  • Nature
  • categories.animals

The domain of the Arche de la Nature, managed by the urban community Le Mans Métropole, offers visitors a vast natural space of 450 hectares. Along the paths, walkers discover the river, the bocage, and the forest, and can visit the House of the Forest, the House of Water, as well as the House of the Prairie.

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Royal Abbey of L'Épau

  • History
  • Monument

The royal abbey of Épau is an ancient Cistercian abbey founded by Queen Bérengère of Navarre in 1229-1230. The abbey has nearly disappeared many times, both due to wars and financial problems that arose in modern times. It was saved by the General Council of Sarthe, which acquired it in 1959. It is part of the historical properties of the Sarthe department.

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