Old station of Sainte-Jamme-sur-Sarthe, colorful building with ornate windows, surrounded by greenery.


The region of Sainte-Jamme-sur-Sarthe hosted a jousting tournament that William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke, participated in, in 1166.



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Mélanie - Travel on the Wheels

During our stay in the Pays du Mans, we had the chance to discover one of the ancestral crafts of the region: casting. To do this, we headed to Sainte-Jamme-sur-Sarthe.

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Antoigné Foundry

  • History
  • Tradition

Dive into 400 years of history and discover the story of the old Antoigné factory and its workers. Volunteers from the association will offer you a guided tour of the site through a renewed exhibition route.

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