Port of Dénia at dusk, featuring moored boats and colorful houses reflecting a Mediterranean atmosphere.


A port city located on the Mediterranean coast overlooked by the ruins of its castle.



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Les Manalas

It was in Dénia that we celebrated Feliz Dia del Reyes (the true Spanish Christmas). It is a giant parade on the evening of January 5th featuring the arrival of the Three Wise Men. It's quite surprising! In any case, we loved this celebration!

Verified Blogger

Les Manalas

Dénia is undoubtedly a stop that we enjoyed a lot.

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Places to discover

Selected by our community of explorers

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Historic city center of Dénia

  • Shopping
  • Neighbourhood
  • Stroll

Perfect for wandering between the shops, historical monuments, and museums that line its streets.

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Natural Park of the Montgó Massif

  • Nature
  • Walk

A protected area around an impressive massif due to its steep descent between its summit and the sea.

Surrounding areas