A palm-lined avenue with lush characteristics, representing the natural beauty of Elche, an iconic destination.


A city that has preserved significant remnants of its Muslim past and baroque architecture, including its palm grove classified as a World Heritage site.



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Les Manalas

During our volunteering near Elche, we took the opportunity to visit some interesting places in the region for a day since Elche is a small town that can be visited fairly quickly. It is located on sediment cliffs. This made us think a lot about the Pyrénées Orientales, on the side of Canigou.

Verified Blogger

Les Manalas

On the other hand, I liked seeing mountains of waste along these beautiful rocks less. But well... we can't paint everything black.

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Places to discover

Selected by our community of explorers

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Natural Park el Fondo

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  • Viewpoint
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  • Stroll

A magnificent natural park, to visit on foot or by bike, to observe the many birds that shelter there.

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Palm Grove of Elche

  • Nature
  • Parc
  • Stroll
  • Shopping

A must-visit and peaceful park in Elche, with walking paths, waterfalls, playgrounds for children, and wildlife.

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