Insider tip on The Village

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  • Verified Blogger

    Pauline de Soif de Voyages

    Every summer, this section of Sainte Catherine Street is topped with a large installation. From 2017 to 2019, thousands of balls forming a huge rainbow (in the colors of the gay flag) were installed. It is very cute to see both in the street and on the walkway set up at the Papineau station. To see the gay flag formed by the balls from above, you can also go to the Jacques Cartier Bridge.

  • Verified Blogger

    Pauline de Soif de Voyages

    This neighborhood is very popular with the LGBTQI+ community in Montreal, where there are many gay bars and clubs.

  • Verified Blogger

    Pauline de Soif de Voyages

    A must-visit neighborhood if you want to party all night!